Signal Distribution Products
In the begging days of satellite radio if you wanted to have more than one receiver installed in a building you had to have one antenna for every receiver. Not any more... now you can install one antenna on a building and wire up numerous SiriusXM® receivers to that single antenna with our SiriusXM® signal distribution products. Combine our splitters, combiners, amplifiers and separators to create a unique installation that meets your specific needs. We also offer custom design services to help build diagrams and Buld of Materials for your project. Contact us to learn more about our design services.

SiriusXM® Antenna Signal Splitters
At the heart of our SiriusXM® Signal Distribution System are the satellite radio signal splitter kits. These kits include either a 2-way or 4-way splitter with RG-6 barrel connectors and 3 FT RG-6 to SMB conversion cables. Large signal disrtribution systems can be created by using multiple splitter kits and our 2-way coupler and 4-way coupler to join the splitters together.
Shop Signal Splitter KitsSiriusXM® Signal Amplifiers
If you are building a large SIriusXM® signal distirbution system or running the cable for a satellite radio antenna over a long distance, chances are you will need one of oru in-line amplifiers. Our SiriusXM® amplifiers are designed to increase the distance you can send a SiriusXM® signal down a cable. We make the SBA-1 amplifier and the MAB-12 multi-band amplifier for advanced multi-signal systems.
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Signal Distribution Power Accessories
Often times when building a large satellite radio signal distribution system you need to inject power. We offer a full line of signal distribution power accessories from 5 volt injectors to 12 volt injectors. Not sure which one you need? Let us help take the guess work out of building a system. Contact us to learn more about our design services.
Shop Power AccessoriesSiriusXM® Antenna Signal Combiners
For installations on large vehicles and vessels such as carbo ships and construction vehicles we designed SiriusXM® antenna signal combiners. These kits allow you to install multiple antennas on a moving vehicle or vessel to capture signal at all times no matter which direction the vehicle or vessel is facing. These types of kits are frequently used with our PRO500 antenna on large cargo vessels.
Shop Antenna Combiners

Signal Separator Kits
Combining signals is easy and now we make separating signals even easier with our signal separtor kits. Our AFST-1 kit allow for the separation of SiriusXM® AM and FM signals from one cable and our AFRECKT kit comes standard with our AFHD-4 AM / FM antenna kit. To top it off we even make a twin lead adapter to separate AM signals for connecting to older style AM / FM tuners.
Shop Signal SeparatorsSignal Distribution Design Services
Have a large installation but don't know where to begin? Let our staff build an installation diagram for you and your team using Lucid Chart Design Tools. Each design is specifically catered to your project needs and includes instructions and recommendations on the installation location of each component. We also include a BOM (build of material) with each design to help make your project run smoother. All design services are discounted when you purchase a signal distribution system.
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